Thursday, August 21, 2008

broken bones, road rash, and a state fair mention

So 3 friends have ended up in the hospital in the past month due to accidents while riding their bicycles. One got hit by a car, twice, in 2 separate events (totaling his sweet S&S fitted XO-1); another (my brother) crashed off the side of the road and got tackled by the guy behind him, causing him to miss a few weeks of work - he's about to start physical therapy; and one had an intimate and instantaneous encounter with a sewer grate, resulting in neck and back injuries and quite a bit of nerve damage - still recovering and not yet able to work. Several other people I know are walking around with bruised and scabby faces, arms, and other parts. What the hell - be f'ing careful out there, peoples.

Meanwhile, today marks the first day of the MN state fair. On those years that I attend, which isn't too frequent, I like to go on the first day. There are fewer people on this day than any other, the smell hasn't yet had the opportunity to hit that ripe fermented state, fewer fat guys with no shirts on, well that last one pretty much sums it up. Not this time - business trip prevails once again. Yes, I will be traveling across our eastern border - into Wisconsin. Wish me luck.

On a side note - I am still collecting Miller points for sweet sweet swag. Let's keep 'em rolling in.


Sara said...

what do you mean he got tackled by the guy behind him? was that guy on a bike too?...

Marco Esteban said...

yeah, he was up in the lead in a group of riders. but only one guy crashed on top of him, so that's a bonus.

chris alme said...

hate to cross-post, but had to share my recent unfortunate incident...