Monday, August 11, 2008


Mom's birthday today. Reminder to self to call her tonight and wish her a happy 61st. She retired at 60 - can't beat that! Me thinks it's too late at this point for card or flowers, eh?


Me [LFoaB] said...

Moms is Good Things.

If you still have one that walks Planet Earth, and you do [while I do not], I -personally- suggest running to her, embedding her into your chest for at least a good 20 minute hug and telling her Happy Birthday.

But that's me...


Snakebite said...

Instead of a card and / or flowers, how about beer?

B Rose said...

When you talk to her; ask if she wants what I usually get her? A cherry danish with a birthday candle....

matt duffin said...

This being her 61st birthday, she is probably used to your half-assed attempts at wishing her a happy one.
