Monday, September 22, 2008

Babes in Bikeland 2

It's the second annual all-female alleycat bicycle race here in MPLS, Babes in Bikeland II,
You really owe it to yourself to go to this, and although I wasn't able to make it to last year's event, and unfortunately can't even make it to this one, the stories I've heard are of the exceptional variety, not to mention the exceptional-ness of the all female organizer. I know where I'd be to partake in this event, but I'll keep that spot to myself until next year. Good luck to all competing for 2nd place, because Jana has all but taken the lead.

Friday, September 19, 2008

week of the Fridays

it's been like a continuous Friday all week - why stop now that we've arrived?

Gathering at Scott's in a little bit, followed by God Came From Space at the 3-rock, likely to be a bit of heathenry before, after, and a bit in between. Make sure to buckle that helmet nice and tight, kids.

Anyone notice how "it's gonna be the last nice night/weekend" has been the banter of choice for the last few weeks around the workplace and checkout lanes? No, I don't wanna talk about the weather or politics - I have no control over either, they're already pre-determined by higher powers.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

America's Funnyman

Lots of late nights this week - I keep saying it's not going to happen again but it's really out of my control at this point.

It was just past midnight and the night was just getting started:
I bought his souvenir 7" vinyl last night (only 500 made) and then cracked it after a few crashes. Your copy just got that much more valuable.

Took a look at the new bridge, whoa were there cops all over the place last night.

driver's ed

This guy recently almost got the smack down by New York State Senator Jeff Klein and his big black Mercedes. Careful out there people, it happens all too often.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Giant track bike for sale

My brother is selling his track bike, yes that's a titanium Brooks Swallow. Someone buy this thing up.

click here for photos and more details, but here's the lowdown:
Frame: Giant Omnium Large
Wheels: Cane Creek Volos Track
Cranks: Truvativ Omnium 172.5mm
Saddle: Brooks Swallow
Pedals: Cranks Bros Candy, included if you want them
Handle Bars: Deda track


everyone else is doing it - or - I can barely stand up - or - back to the u-tubes

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

another callout for Brauer's ride

Salsa Scandium track frame, Red/Black paint job
Unmarked carbon tubular wheelset w/ Deda tires
Campy record crank
Salsa bar/stem/seatpost
San Marco Aspide saddle
Time pedals
Desalvo steel fork

photos pending, we're looking for one that captures it just so.

from Surly Blake:
"Here are photos of the same frame and fork. There are only about 5 of these, serial number should read something with either SALSA or QBP in it which is also unique."

Monday, September 15, 2008

Jackhole, flickr, and Atala - or - enough of the youtube clips

So last week I'm riding downtown after work, say 4:54pm - yeah, I left early as it's a 14 or so mile ride, but I had to pay for that T-Serv I got after hours the weekend prior. Up ahead there's an intersection packed with cars from 3 directions, all with stop signs. I go up to the front on the sidelines, foot-down stop, and wheel through said intersection adjacent to a black SUV for a bit of protection - it was a cluster-fbomb of traffic, seriously. So this guy on my right decides he wants to meet me, perhaps ask me what type of grips I prefer. Instead of the usual Minneapolis handshake, this guy, perhaps still high off the "Drill-Baby-Drill" spittle of the GOP convention, decides he doesn't like the way I do things, guns his Lincoln in a rabbit start t-bone lunge at me before braking hard, me swerving into the adjacent lane in the interests of self preservation. He then passes me with his starboard window down letting me know his thoughts - you know, the usual things people in cars say when screaming out their windows at bicyclists. Of course he's accelerating away when he's doing this, making his wording garbled and my reply useless although not completely unanswered. What's that up ahead? Oh, it's just a red light, we see them all the time. I pull next to this guy, slowly swing my backpack around, casually grab my 35mm camera, take the lens cap off and ease it into my pocket, refit the backpack, and take a few shots of this guy through the now closed car window. Funny how vocal someone can be when they are running away but how quiet and content the same jack-hole is when confronted by the victim. Shit, this is the last guy in the world who might have thought anything was amiss on this fine afternoon - fine enough now to have the windows up and airco on, facing straight ahead with a bit of oh shit, why did there have to be a red light so close to that stop sign - and he was almost on the I-394 onramp where he could be tooling along at faster than bicycle speeds on his way out of this heathen metropolitan filthtrap.

So I decided to sleep on this for a few nights to let myself cool down. Six nights have gone by and this is what I've decided. Sure it's one-sided, but it's my oneside that counts.

Oh, and my workplace is blocking a ton of websites, flickr included - good god what the hell has this world come to?

In other news, check out Christof's new (to him) Atala single-speed. Nice? I can't see it during the day, but I remember it looking nice.

Some things in life are better than others, the trick is to find the balance that makes you happiest.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

stolen Salsa track bike

I'm down on the dock this afternoon waiting out the rain storm and am casually told Brauer's bike was just stolen - his fancy Salsa track bike, nonetheless.

from the ooo blog:
Ya never think its gonna happen to you. It only happens to other folks, right? Well, it happened to me. I got a bike stolen. Right off the back dock at OOOBS. Sometime around 11:00 today. My jewel bike. Dammit. Here's the description: Salsa scandium track bike. Red/Black paint. DeSalvo steel straight blade fork. Unbranded carbon tubular wheelset. Campy Record track crank. Salsa Bar/Stem/Post. ASPide saddle. Keep your eyes peeled. Pics to follow when I dig some up. -BP
this is bullshit.

Oh, and would you please quit driving while talking into your f-bomb cell phone. No, I'm not going to give you directions as you're driving down the middle of a bike lane down the wrong way of a major MPLS street.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jim Nisser

65-year-old Jim Nisser was killed this morning while riding his bike to work.

Nisser had cerebral palsy and had worked at the Minikahda Club since 1962. Authorities say he rode his bike to work almost every day at around 4:15 a.m.

Authorities were able to recover paint chips that belong to a tan car. Those paints chips have been forwarded to the FBI so they can deterine[sic] the make and model of the car.

Police say Nisser was wearing a bike helmet when he was hit. Authorities say the tan car may have sustained right front-end damage.

Anyone with information should call 911 immediately.

View Larger Map

another stolen bicycle in MPLS - updated

Here is what is know:
Royal Blue and White Sekine (very rare Japanese/Canadian brand)
It may say, "World's Finest Bicyle" on the downtube, pre-1973 model
Obama spoke card
Bike rack (black)
gold bell
10 sp


similar to these photos:

This belongs to a friend, and while she is more concerned about the sentimental value than the actual monetary loss, it doesn't take away from the fact that someone stole her baby and primary mode of transportation - she's car-free.

more details when available. sorry, no photo in my collection that I can find.

Last seen locked up on the NW corner of 34th St and Lyndale Ave S at 22.00 Tuesday night.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

2 recommended cycling publications

Lots of recognizable faces and places on the 1/1 ad in issue 9 of Urban Cyclist. It was also nice to see Carl in issue 35 of Momentum.

Both of the above publications are available free online and are packed with good articles and photos that relate to the commuter as well as the track stand aficionado.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

get out and vote

If you're in the MPLS area, it's primary election day, so go ride down to your polling place and submit your damn vote.

MN voting polling place finder

MPLS voting page

My advice to you besides actually voting - go online and find out who is on the ballot - even print out a sample ballot - research ALL of the candidates and choose before you go vote. It's a hell of a lot more efficient knowing who all those funny names are on your ballot prior to staring at the back of the ballot with a pen in your hand, trying to make up your mind based on how their names sound. I go with my sample ballot filled out and I'm done with my ballot in less than a minute. Do it, yo.

Yeah I know, it's only the primary - I was the 98th person to vote in my precinct at 15.00. Sad.

Monday, September 8, 2008

nothing wrong with a bit of crystal meth, in moderation - nor with sniffing glue for that matter. pass me another mountain dew.

Check out these two identical infomercials, I imagine they're being played on national television:

Hot damn, and to think I've been avoiding high fructose corn syrup all these years. Don't go believing the liberal media elitists when they try to sell you and your family about how fat you are, how you're going to die of diabetes, how the earth is warming, and how your Winnebago isn't a good choice for commuting into the big city - hockey moms and nascar dads know what's right for their families - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Amazing the influence of a few lies when repeated over and over and over. It's just corn, sillies.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chloe derbies me down, more broken bike stuff - usual stuff

Four (4) of us rolled over to the gentleman Formerly Known as Large Fellow's house for a going away fest last evening. A good turnout and good times were had by all - Chloe completely outdid herself with the custom poster creations for each guest - I left mine there so as not to destroy it in my bag but already have a spot on the wall for it when it arrives. Had a derby session with the Chlo, and do apologize for taking her down a bit too hard one time - that finger will heal right up, I'm guessing. Nick and I put our heads together and decided it a good idea to hit up the store for a case of tallboys for our next stop - and I for one stand by that decision - one reason why I'm known as "The Maverick". So 6 (six) of us loaded up and rolled up to 1/1, arriving at 23.00 for the book signing tour bash. A good showing of good friends and neighbors greeted us upon arrival. The ever talented Sammy is showing and selling photos up in the main gallery space - get up there, check them out and help a starving brother out. My photos are still hanging from the BFF opening - make an offer. Somehow it turns out to be 04.00 and I'm in the alley with a slashed rear tire after running over a derby obstacle. Damn. I tried just a tube, nope. Got a new tire from the shop, which I have to return and pay for - that tube blows too. In true Maverick style I say screw it and ride home on the rim, sticking to the grass as much as I can - it's only 3 miles (4.8km), afterall. Thanks to Kevin for accompanying me towards my domicile via the grocery.

Deja f-bomb vu.
who's that girl?

04.30 - flat rear and out of patches.
flat tire ride

Friday, September 5, 2008

print is dead - or - malted, canned beverages

"The most authentic book ever written..."
Further recommended by the bummer life avoidance guild, amongst others.

Sorry in advance to the family that thinks I'm headed to their house, but this fracas is waaay better. Remember what night it is - the stores shut at 22.00 and Jesus and Friends won't let you buy it on The Sunday. I know you know this - I'm just sayin in case you don't.

livin high

I'm up to 3120 points towards the 7500 goal of a High Life delivery shirt - my current point total is equivalent to 13 cases of beer. My glass isn't quite half full, but if the game were to finish now, I could cash in and score a totally bitchin ball cap. That's worth 13 cases of beer, right? Got points? Send 'em in to point headquarters.

In other news, I'm in dire need of a holiday.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kermit legs on a Schwinn Corvette and beta release

Went on a ride out to The SLP yesterday with Chloe and others. She's very comfortable on the bike and isn't afraid to get right back up when she falls over at the stop sign because the frame is too big. Perhaps that's why the air is low in the back tire, to effectively lower the top tube - I'm hitting myself for not thinking of it first.

kermit the frog

She and her family are moving in a coupla weeks (Nebraska) - gonna say goodbye this weekend at their going away party. I'll probably end up drunk and trash their house (again) - likely the last time I see or hear from them anyway. Dude owes me a bit of cash and a carton of smokes...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

“Single-speeding is a bit stupid..."

a nice write-up on the 2008 SSWC in the NYTimes.

check out the slide show - you might recognize a person or few.