So last week I'm riding downtown after work, say 4:54pm - yeah, I left early as it's a 14 or so mile ride, but I had to pay for that T-Serv I got after hours the weekend prior. Up ahead there's an intersection packed with cars from 3 directions, all with stop signs. I go up to the front on the sidelines, foot-down stop, and wheel through said intersection adjacent to a black SUV for a bit of protection - it was a cluster-fbomb of traffic, seriously. So this guy on my right decides he wants to meet me, perhaps ask me what type of grips I prefer. Instead of the usual Minneapolis handshake, this guy, perhaps still high off the "Drill-Baby-Drill" spittle of the GOP convention, decides he doesn't like the way I do things, guns his Lincoln in a rabbit start t-bone lunge at me before braking hard, me swerving into the adjacent lane in the interests of self preservation. He then passes me with his starboard window down letting me know his thoughts - you know, the usual things people in cars say when screaming out their windows at bicyclists. Of course he's accelerating away when he's doing this, making his wording garbled and my reply useless although not completely unanswered. What's that up ahead? Oh, it's just a red light, we see them all the time. I pull next to this guy, slowly swing my backpack around, casually grab my 35mm camera, take the lens cap off and ease it into my pocket, refit the backpack, and take a few shots of this guy through the now closed car window. Funny how vocal someone can be when they are running away but how quiet and content the same jack-hole is when confronted by the victim. Shit, this is the last guy in the world who might have thought anything was amiss on this fine afternoon - fine enough now to have the windows up and airco on, facing straight ahead with a bit of oh shit, why did there have to be a red light so close to that stop sign - and he was almost on the I-394 onramp where he could be tooling along at faster than bicycle speeds on his way out of this heathen metropolitan filthtrap.
So I decided to sleep on this for a few nights to let myself cool down. Six nights have gone by and this is what I've decided. Sure it's one-sided, but it's my oneside that counts.
Oh, and my workplace is blocking a ton of websites, flickr included - good god what the hell has this world come to?
In other news, check out Christof's new (to him)
Atala single-speed. Nice? I can't see it during the day, but I remember it looking nice.
Some things in life are better than others, the trick is to find the balance that makes you happiest.