Thursday, July 10, 2008

bicycle public art, mention of a party photo with no link, Linden's 29er, and black skies

Minneapolis Art on Wheels. Check it out at the BFF, which starts tonight - don't think I mentioned that previously.

Duffin posted a photo of me posing with Josh of Peace Coffee fame from the B-Rose party a few Saturdays ago - I look like I don't remember much of the party, which seems about right.

Did Linden get the Salsa 29'er last night? Last I saw before I left was him test riding it up Lyndale. Hmmm, the craigslist ad is gone, so he must be one bike richer at the expense of another paycheck. "How many bikes does one need?", I'm often asked. Just one more, I suppose.

In other news, it's 1:15 in the afternoon and the skies are black as night due to a severe thunderstorm passing over.

Get those fenders on, people.

1 comment:

Linden said...

For richer or poorer... I got the bike.

Now how that 1x1 of yours coming?