Monday, March 26, 2012

Bandit Cross El Ocho

Props to Frayne at Bikejerks for hosting another Bandit Cross, this time being #8 and making a debut at Hidden Beach in Minneapolis.  There are no prizes other than the respect of your friends and angry sneers of the dog walkers around this fast packed course on Cedar Lake.  So put on your kit, power down, and above all, just have some clean fun.  Let's do this much more often!

The hill climb:
The run up

Seen from below:
The hill climb

Sketch King

It's a laborious climb:
First Female

Angry Catfist


Anna's not racing, but is riding laps on a sweet carbon fiber Trek with Race Face cranks:
Anna is awesome

Green shirt takes the win:
Winner crossing the finish line

While Alameda, Omnium, and Angry Catfist take second, third, and fourth, respectively:
second, third, and fourth

Until next time, bring out what you bring in, plus a bit more.

More photos here.

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