Monday, July 5, 2010

Reflections on the Rose Sausage Party (New Version 2010)

Zito made an appearance, seen here escorting Mrs. Rose, B-Rose's better half. News is Zito's moving to Australia soon after Freeride V (August 21 22 - mark it.)
Mr. Zito and Mrs. Rose

Meanwhile B-Rose himself is usually found near his nearly 100-pounds of handmade and stuffed sausage. Carnivores I know seem to think he does a good job at what he does each year.
Mr. Rose himself

You'd better ride your bicycle if you plan on attending a party with 300-400 people; take that parking garages!
Rose 4th of July Party

Rose 4th of July Party

Rose 4th of July Party

Several of the neighbors must have been lighting off illegal fireworks; none of my God fearing acquaintances would have done such a thing as violate any laws.

Most of the usuals made it along with a healthy dose of new friends.
Rose 4th of July Party

Roger, Bjorn, and Amy C. had a screen printing station set up for the night:
Screen print station

Generide says it's best to wear sweet wool socks and to load up on carbs whenever and wherever possible. Socks still available; hit up Stroker Ace for all your comfort needs.
There was an early morning rush home for re-supplies; no diet beer here.

All in all a very nice evening. Let's rejoice the heat and humidity is nothing worse than it gets here.

1 comment:

Jana V said...

Freeride and All City on the same date- poppycock!